Fat lizard Rush Limbaugh is such a tired old piece of shittrash devoid of any new jokes that yesterday he had to reach into the deepest recesses of his reptilian memory sacks (made of farts) in order to produce a fag joke about Barney Frank that didn't even make any sense.
As you probably know now, Barney Frank pwned a dumb mule of a woman at a town hall meeting the other day when she showed up with a Obama-is-a-Nazi poster and complained about the Nazi policies Frank is following. "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" Frank asked the stupid cow.
So Rush decides that this is a great opportunity to make a butthole joke in order to delight his chronically masturbating audience, because as we all know, only fags love buttholes, and Limbaugh's audience loves jerking off to butthole jokes that mention fags, and Frank is certainly a fag. So he says,
Isn't it an established fact that Barney Frank himself spends most of his time living around Uranus?
Ha ha! Yes! It is! Wait. Who's anus? Your anus? So is Rush calling his audience fags who allow Barney Frank near their anuses? Who exactly is the, er, butt of the joke? His humor is enigmatic.
And who really believes that piggy little Rush Limbaugh, dedicated lover of the Dominican Bachelor Tours, hasn't hoisted his tub of genitals up against an anus? It's included in the package deal!