Jimmy and I celebrated our 13th anniversary this past Friday. We went to Salaam Bombay in Tribeca, had a great meal, then forced them to take a blurry picture of us on my awful Droid phone.
When I asked the maitre d to take it, she looked like she really didn't want to--not because we were just way too gay, I don't think (although God knows she'd be justified). I think she's probably had bad experiences with smart phone cameras, judging by how she handled my phone. You know, as if it was very likely to set off a bomb that would kill us all to pieces. She really couldn't wait for the whole thing to be over and I couldn't either because what if she pressed the wrong button and saw some of the photos I have on that phone?
After dinner we decided to go see that Joan Rivers documentary at the IFC--a fascinating, hilarious, and downright inspiring movie, I must say. Regular readers might remember that I recently saw Ms. Rivers being interviewed on the red carpet at the Tribeca Film Festival, and I was a bit dismissive, but only because I was in the mood to see a hot famous dude, not a comedy legend. I LOVE Joan Rivers, for real. She deserves the world, and this film should totally win an Oscar. Usually when I say that, I'm kidding, but I'm not here. It was a truly moving moving picture.
ANYWAY, so we headed over to 6th Ave. and West 4th, and since we were in the neighborhood we decided we'd stop by Bleecker Street Records to say hello to our favorite fat cats.

This one was so ginormously large that at first I feared that she'd eaten all the CDs. She probably had eaten a good number of them, but thankfully, she left the Sheena Easton Best of that I ended up buying, and also this one:

I remember that one night many years ago that Jimmy and I were laying in bed talking about all the terrible 80s CDs we should try to get--classics like Expose, Shannon, and Jane Child. The above Taylor Dayne CD was also mentioned (and sung) that night, but I still couldn't bring myself to pay $15 for it.
In conclusion, Jimmy and I are doing our best to destroy traditional marriage from the outside but we're having a little bit of trouble because of all the Apollonia and Stacie Q CDs distracting us from our mission.