My friend Kelly Guffey died five years ago today. She was 32. In other words, waaaaaaay to young to be dying. As the years go on it becomes even harder to believe that she is gone, because good GOD she was electric, the most vibrant, infectiously hilarious person I've ever known. The above picture was taken on a train we took in 1994 from Pisa, Italy to Nice, France. We were laughing about some cosmic/nonsensical thing she or I had said and our friend Scott went clickety click with the camera and voila: best Eurorail picture ever. Why did we not get a commercial out of this?
Kelly, I love you and miss you every day. Remember when we went to see Everything But the Girl but before the show we stopped to get coffee because we didn't want to arrive too early because the opening band was lame and we had no desire to see them and we stayed too long at the coffee shop yappin' and by the time we made it to the show Everything But the Girl were on their last encore?
That was time well spent.