Hey, Philistines, PS1 is a contemporary art center in Queens, which obviously means there's a lot of vag on display on its hallowed walls. I attended the annual WarmUp party last Saturday after getting drunk enough at my pal's pre-party sangria-thon, and I found myself quite willing and able to shake a few tail feathers to dj Danny Wang and his patented "danceable brand of retro-mod-glitter-party-disco-house"--even though I hate house music! That's how open-minded I am when I'm borderline wasted, y'all. Plus, he played Sheila E., and you can get in trouble for not dancing to Sheila. (And so you should.)
Anyway, my camera phone was also there and was sober for the most part, so, as ever, it would not be denied (though it will likely get sued-? WARNING--a few of the pics below are of contemporary art, so they are obviously disgusting and NSFW).
You know it's a good dance party when at least one person is compelled to raise their arms while dancing.
Like I said, vag clearly on display here.
Katie Couric continues her reclamation of the coveted America's Sweetheart moniker.
That's a line from "Back on the Chain Gang", right? "I found a picture of you/Those were the happiest days of my life/Like a break in the battle was your part/I hope the Muslims win" Hmm. Doesn't sound right. Maybe "Brass in Pocket"?
A nice little bit of Reagan death/AIDS death juxtaposition.
The view from a room whose ceiling is a 2-foot-deep wading pool-type-thing.
The view from a room whose floor is a 2-foot-deep wading pool-type thing
My friend Ashia is a hella seksee supermodel, so this pose is completely natural for her.
Supermodel Ashia with her husband Alex, who is UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon's official food taster at the United Nations, a contemporary art center across the river that also has lots of vag on its walls.
My favorite piece in the entire place, due to my love of Roman butts and troop support.